Monday, July 14, 2008

The Adventures of Goggle Boy

How is it that someone so small can have such a commanding personality??? Sometimes a tyrant, sometimes a sweet thumb-sucking cuddler, Henry is currently prancing around the house with Lily singing the "Dark Vader" theme at the top of his lungs while Star Wars IV (or is it V? - I only know them by the Princess Leia costumes anyway) is playing in the background. He refers to Yoda as "The Cute Guy." He wouldn't allow us to address him as "Henry" this morning, only as "Firefighter Henry." Although sometimes he goes by "Baby" (if he and Lily and Emma are playing "Kitty Poo" - I still have no idea what that is), or "Pooka" - no idea where he got that either. He can name all the Beatles, but he favors George, though Ringo is creeping ahead because Henry really really wants to play the drums.
He LOVES his friend JJ, mentions him every day, almost as often as he swears, although luckily it's mostly just potty talk. He does however have an amazing ability to repeat most of the curse words that have flown out of my mouth over the last year or so (and it really hasn't been that many), with his current favorite being "jackass!," which he yells at any car he considers to be travelling at an unreasonable speed up our fairly quiet street.
He is also finally using the bathroom, with the exception being when we are outside, when he recently peed on a friend's son's crocs, without even thinking twice. The worst of it all is he is so charming, his pint-sized Ferris Buellerness gets him through. I have no idea how he will make it through school without multiple incidents and frequent calls home - Thank God we have another year before he faces the public!

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